Best practices for programming with Golang (basics)I started programming Golang in 2016 and fell in love with its simplicity and performance. It was a young lawn goose into an existing…Mar 5, 2024Mar 5, 2024
Self hosted kubernetes clusterSo what if you found what it is to expensive to host your project on AWS or that every reason you can think of not to use cloud based…Nov 3, 2023Nov 3, 2023
Go: then interfaces is not very equalOnce upon a time as was trying to compare two interfaces, and they both was nil, but my check every time was returning that these two nil…Apr 28, 2022Apr 28, 2022
Airflow install on Centos 7 with Mysql (no docker)To install Airflow can cause encountered various unexpected issues, so I decided to write this tutorial to help people deal with them.Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
Golang error: out of memoryOnce upon of time I was doing copy paste stuff to manipulate one big struct, but after running program got:Jan 18, 2021Jan 18, 2021